Leave a Lasting Legacy

Written by Cecil Connor | Aug 11, 2021 6:35:48 PM
Each day, policymakers at every level are faced with tough choices related to the wellbeing of their communities. Tighter budgets, dwindling tax revenue, and higher costs of goods and services are a daily reality for many of our elected and appointed officials. Luckily, the best among us always choose to Leave a Lasting Legacy.
The consequences of policy decisions today are often passed from one administration to the next, and one generation to the next. The choice to “save a few dollars” today may have catastrophic consequences for our family members, friends, children, and grandchildren. Concrete pipe and box culverts play a vital role in building a resilient, modern, and sustainable infrastructure system for all Americans. The decision to use our 100-year life cycle product not only benefits citizens today, but also those who reside in our communities a century from now. A strong and dependable transportation and water management network are the backbone of our communities – not only now, but for generations to come.